Cosmetics 1 페이지

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Easy and convenient porous solution, JINJU mate, Co., Ltd.


  • The start of premium cosmetics

    We provide brushes for cosmetics, feeders, and reservoirs.
    Our tech- nologies can be applied to various products and offer the best solu- tions for premium cosmetics.

    Based on our own core technologies, we provide customized products to our customers' needs. We are trying to satisfy our customers by offering them the appropriate products with suitable touch, transmis- sibility, flowability, and storability for their needs.

    Our brushes, feeders, and reservoirs can be applied to a variety of products.
    Eye-liners, eye-brows, lip makeup, tattoo, body painting, dye, nail products, removers, etc.

  • Brush

    We offer various sizes and materials to suit the characteristics of brushes.
    Customized design with optimized touch, durability, stability and flowability.

    Materials: Polyester, Nyion, PDT, Polyurethane

  • Feeder

    We offer various materials and porous designs for smooth flowing of liquids, considering physical and chemical properties of connector filling liquid so that it can smoothly be transferred from storage to applicator.

    Materials : Polyester, Acryl

  • Reservoir

    A reservoir of cosmetic filling liquid
    Control of storage and discharge of filling liquid

    Selection of internal and external material and density control, considering physical and chemical properties of filling liquid

    Materials : Polyester, Nylon

Company : JINJU mate, Co., Ltd.    CEO : Choi Seong-ho   
Address : #307 Post BI Center, 64 Yeonsuwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
TEL : +82-31-494-1624    FAX : +82-31-8041-1625    Business registration number : 727-87-00014

Copyright © JINJU mate, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.