Introduction 1 페이지

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About us

Easy and convenient porous solution, JINJU mate, Co., Ltd.



Manufacturer of nibs, brushes and reservoirs for stationery and cosmetics.

As the only professional manufacturer in Korea, Jinjumate realizes customer satisfaction and offers the best quality products based on our own technologies and know-hows.
We supply products to a number of domestic and international customers and enhance quality and expand our product line through continued product improvement and R&D.

  • Global parts&components Solution Creator

    JINJUMATE applies porous technologies to various materials to develop and provide customized solu- tions for industries that require control of liquids and vapors.

  • Easy Porous Solutions

    JINJUMATE's porous solutions provide convenience in various fields
    JINJUMATE's products are available in various fields such as cosmetics, stationery, air fresher, household goods, and industrial goods.

  • Smart Liquid Handling System

    JINJUMATE's liquid handling systems provide the ideal solution for the storage, transport and discharge of liquids.We always provide safe and reliable products.

  • Creative Technologies, Creative Partner

    Jinjumate specializes in parts and materi- als using porous polymer fibers based on original technologies and creative ideas.

  • No.1

    Made in KOREA

    NO.1 in domestic production.
    Fiber nib and brush manufacturer.

  • CORE


    Core 4 Technologes

    JINJU mate, Co., Ltd.'s Four Core Technologies

  • 100%

    100% Custom-solution

    100% Customized for customers.,
    100% Achieving customer satisfaction.

Company : JINJU mate, Co., Ltd.    CEO : Choi Seong-ho   
Address : #307 Post BI Center, 64 Yeonsuwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
TEL : +82-31-494-1624    FAX : +82-31-8041-1625    Business registration number : 727-87-00014

Copyright © JINJU mate, Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.